Give Today to Ensure No Lives Lost This Summer

Summer 2024 marks the six year anniversay of Jordan's death. Join us in making sure no parent has to experience another day without thier child due to heat-related injury

Give Today to Ensure No Lives Lost This Summer image

Five years ago, we started our mission to transform Jordan's anniversary into a day filled with purpose and education. Since then, our youth sports clinics, coaching, and parent education sessions have exceeded my wildest expectations.

Our K.O.B.Y. (Keep On Believing in Yourself) Athlete Self-Advocacy Campaign, the X's and O's of Player Safety Coaching Training, and our "Can My Child Play?" Parent Education programs have far exceeded what I envisioned when we launched on May 13, 2019. I never imagined that The Jordan McNair Foundation would make such a significant impact in youth sports.

Your support, no matter the size, makes a real difference. It helps educate parents and coaches on keeping kids safe in all fields of play and empowers student-athletes to speak up for themselves confidently. Together with parents, coaches, trainers, and students, we honor Jordan’s legacy by fostering a culture of safety and accountability.

Thank you for your support and for helping us celebrate Jordan’s life.